New Price Calculators

New Price Calculators


Our new PHRN Online Self-Service Price Calculators provide quick and reliable price estimates for data linkage projects through an easy-to-use, web-based application.

These calculators allow researchers to estimate the price of data linkage projects through each of the participating data linkage units.

Researchers can use this calculator for:

  1. Grant applications – helping to budget for research proposals
  2. Financial feasibility – assessing project affordability
  3. Project scope – estimating costs based on study design

Important notes:

  • Estimate are based on a self-assessment of your project requirements
  • These estimates serve as a general guide
  • A price estimate does not constitute project approval or an assessment feasibility

If you require linkage of datasets external to the master linkage map of each of the data linkage units, you are encouraged to contact the client services team of the relevant data linkage unit.

If you have queries, please use the FAQs button in the calculator, alternatively contact the relevant data linkage unit for assistance.




Western Australia