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Reducing the dialysis travel burden
According to Kidney Health Australia three in four Australians are at risk of developing kidney disease.
Kidney disease is sometimes called a ‘silent disease’, since you can lose up to 90 per cent of your kidneys’ functionality before experiencing any symptoms. One option for managing kidney failure is haemodialysis, a treatment which filters out toxins, wastes and extra fluid. Better Health Victoria report, on average, patients have dialysis three times a week for the rest of their lives or until they receive a kidney transplant. Each dialysis session may last four to five hours.
Time spent travelling to and from dialysis centres is a source of stress for many patients, so Advancing Kidney Care Information Solution manager Alison Kelly and her team are exploring ways to reduce the travel burden for Queenslanders with kidney conditions.
Since 2020, Queensland’s digitally integrated data source called the Advancing Kidney Care Information Solution, or AKCIS, has collated information about people on haemodialysis, as well as those with acute kidney injuries or who have had a kidney transplant. Data on patient demographics and service delivery profiles are also gathered.
The combined data source is available to authorised Queensland Health users, providing a significant opportunity to shape service planning, improve the patient experience and reduce health service costs.