Changes to the PHRN Online Application System: Update

Changes to the PHRN Online Application System: Update

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Changes to the PHRN Online Application System: Update

The Population Health Research Network (PHRN) is currently going through an iterative process to improve your experience of using the Online Application System.

In response to user feedback, the system will be updated a few times over the coming months. The first update was released on Tuesday, 9 April 2019. This is the second update. The PHRN Online Application System will be unavailable between 6.00 pm and 8.00 pm AEST on Tuesday, 4 June 2019.

Today we're introducing changes to give you more control over the lifecycle of your application.

We have heard it can feel annoying when you are unable to submit an Amendment to the PHRN Online Application System. So today we're implementing an Amendment feature that lets you choose to create an Amendment after your original application has been approved.

  • Login to the PHRN Online Application System
  • On the homepage highlight your approved application
  • Press the 'Amendment' button at the bottom of the homepage
  • A text box will appear to ensure you do want to create an Amendment
  • Press on the 'Amendment' button in the text box. Now your original application, including all text and attachments, will be automatically copied over to create a new submission (the Amendment)
  • The Amendment will be given an Application Number based on the original Application Number appending with A1, or A2 etc 
  • The only difference between the original application and the Amendment is that the data custodian approvals box will be cleared in the Amendment
  • The status of the newly created Amendment will be 'Draft'
  • All textual changes in the Amendment will be tracked so that when you press 'Submit', the data linkage units will be able to see how your Amendment differs from the approved original application.

We're also making changes to ensure the design phase is separate from the application and approvals phase.

We have created a new feature to clearly separate the design phase (Expression of Interest) from the application and approvals process in the PHRN Online Application System.

  • From today when you lodge a new submission to the PHRN Online Application System, you can lodge a request for a quote or an Expression of Interest (EOI)
  • To submit a request for quote or an EOI, you will need to register as a user of the PHRN Online Application System
  • For information about requesting a quote please visit the PHRN website
  • To create an EOI, logon to the PHRN Online Application System and press 'Create' on the bottom of the homepage
  • You will land on the Summary web page. Here select 'Expression of Interest' as the 'Application type' from the drop down menu
  • Press the 'Validate' button at the top of each web page and the mandatory fields for you to complete will be identified
  • Once all mandatory fields are completed and documentation is uploaded - i.e. research protocol and any accompanying documentation including variable lists - press the 'Submit' button
  • Once submitted, the jurisdictional data linkage units involved with your project will meet to discuss the feasibility of your project
  • You will then be provided with preliminary feedback from client services about whether the data requested is appropriate for the purposes of the study, receive guidance on issues such as data availability and quality and suggest proposal changes. The EOI will then be returned to you
  • The status of your EOI is now 'researcher review'. This phase involves the application owner responding to any suggested changes/ clarifications requested by the data linkage unit(s). This may mean making changes to the online form, further discussions between the researchers and individual data linkage(s), and completing additional jurisdictional-specific forms. Upon completion of this phase, the application owner will press the 'Submit' button to return the application to the data linkage units
  • This design phase may go back and forth between the applicant owner and the data linkage unit(s) until client services are satisfied that the EOI phase is complete and the form is in a 'good enough' state to be sent on to data custodians and/or ethics
  • You will receive an email when the EOI phase is complete and the status of your project in the PHRN Online Application System will be changed to 'EOI Completed'
  • Logon to the PHRN Online Application System, highlight your project and press 'Edit'. You will land on the Summary web page. Here select 'Application' as the 'Application type' from the drop down menu
  • If required make any further changes to the form, otherwise press 'Submit'
  • Your Application has now transitioned to the application and approvals phase.

You can now update your profile in the PHRN Online Application System.

We've listened and have introduced a new feature so that registered users are now able to update their profile in the PHRN Online Application System. 

  • Login to the PHRN Online Application System
  • On the top grey banner of the homepage, click on Hello Researcher.Name@ and a drop down menu will appear
  • Click on 'Update profile'
  • You will be taken to the Manage Account page. Here you can change your contact details
  • Once you have completed your changes, press 'Update and your user profile will be updated.


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