PHRN National Researcher Training Project: Stakeholder Survey
PHRN National Researcher Training Project: Stakeholder Survey
Thursday, January 21, 2021
PHRN is undertaking a survey about data linkage and communications. We wish to invite you to participate. This survey is part of the PHRN National Researcher Training Project (phase one).
Phase one of this project aims to develop consistent information resources and communications materials that can be used and adapted by all Australian data linkage units and the PHRN Program Office. These resources and materials will support researchers in understanding linkage concepts, navigating linkage services and applying for and using linked data.
By completing this short survey, stakeholders can provide valuable input about what messages should be developed around data and data linkage, what information would be valuable to researchers undertaking a data linkage project and what communications materials would be beneficial for data linkage units.
We hope you can assist us by completing this survey, which will take between five to ten minutes to complete. Responses to the questions will be confidential and names will not be collected nor linked with responses in any way. The information obtained via this survey will also inform the second phase of the project, in which training materials will be developed and implemented.
Please note that detailed stakeholder interviews are also being conducted by a communications consultant. Should you be willing to partake in an in-depth interview about data linkage information and communications materials, please email:
This survey will close 7 February 2021.
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