RIIP Survey Activation
RIIP Survey Activation
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
A gentle reminder to those who have not yet done so to please respond to me asap if you have any further comment on the online survey. If we do not hear from you by noon Friday 18th Dec, we will go live with the survey, given everyone has had the opportunity to provide feedback previously and this was originally due 27 Nov.
A good question was raised, which is the mechanism(s) for dissemination of the survey itself. We’ll do this via two means:
- Please add this line of copy to your email signatures: PHRN is undertaking a survey about data linkage and communications. Click here to learn more or participate.
- Feel free to use this paragraph in communications to your stakeholders:
The Population Health Research Network (PHRN) is developing a project that aims to develop consistent information resources and communications materials that can be used and adapted by all Australian data linkage units and the PHRN Program Office. These resources and materials will support researchers in understanding linkage concepts, navigating linkage services and applying for and using linked data. Click here to learn more or participate.
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