Story Detail
Australian Urban Health Indicator project

The Australian Urban Health Indicator project (AusUrb-HI), a collaboration between AURIN, PHRN, ARDC and researchers, to develop a suite of new indicator data assets to improve our understanding of population health in urban and regional Australia.
In a significant research milestone, the project has acquired individual linked health data at the Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1), which is the most detailed level available from the Australian Statistical Geography Standard. Most studies rely on the larger aggregation of SA2 data due to privacy concerns, so having SA1 health data is a game-changer. The study group will able to capture intricate details such as localised building densities and vegetation variations, that can be overlooked when using higher aggregated data.
The development of a Heat Health Vulnerability Indicator is a key output of this project. The Indictor integrates linked population health data, demographic determinants, environment, and urban morphology parameters into weighted spatial layers of heat exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. AURIN has taken comprehensive measures to protect personal information during research and once the indicators are released.
The resulting Heat Health Vulnerability Indicator, along with its documentation and code, will be made available to Australian researchers via the AURIN Data Provider.
For more information see Australian Urban Health Indicator project
Project status: Ongoing