Story Detail

Single Online Data Application (SODA)

Single Online Application System Soda

The PHRN developed the the Online Application System (OAS) in 2015 as a central system for the application and coordination of single, multi-, and cross-jurisdictional linked data projects.

In the SODA project, PHRN engaged with consultants, developers, state and territory data linkage units, client services officers and researchers to examine the security, sustainability, and functionality of the OAS and propose enhancements to the system.

This resulted in a new build and user acceptance testing of the system, and in July 2023 an upgraded OAS was launched.

Key outcomes

  • The upgraded OAS online form is accepted by all PHRN data linkage units, ensuring a coordinated national approach to multi- and cross-jurisdictional linked data projects and greater consistency with single jurisdiction-level requirements.
  • The system is significantly more secure and sustainable with:
    • New upgraded servers
    • Updated architecture
    • Multi-factor authentication enforcement and authorisation using role-based security
  • An improved user interface with better functionality and content enhancements

Project Status: Complete